The Power 775 Architecture at Scale

We describe the IBM Power 775, a supercomputing system that was designed to provide high performance at very large scales. The system recently attained world record performance numbers for three important, communication-heavy supercomputing benchmarks: RandomAccess, PTRANS, and FFT 1. At the heart of the Power 775’s performance is the “hub module”, which is a high-radix router containing forty-seven copper and optical links with a switching capacity of over 1.1 Tbyte/second. For the scale of the systems we have achieved, such bandwidth is unprecedented. As a result, we were forced to develop a complete software stack to fully leverage the communication capabilities of the system. In this paper we evaluate the Power 775 server at scales up to 2 Petaflops (63,360 POWER7 cores), discuss hardware and software tradeoffs considered during the design

By: R. Rajamony, M. W. Stephenson, W. E. Speight

Published in: RC25366 in 2013


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