Subject-Based Searching Using Automatically Extracted Metadata; The AIM subject prototype

Search for text documents is usually based on keywords. However, the usefulness of a document is also based on other characteristics such as writing style, language and subject. The subject is a characteristic of paramount importance, because the use of synonyms might produce unwanted results with keyword-based searching alone. Vice versa, if the subject of a query and a candidate document is determined correctly, subject-based searching could help to identify the most useful documents. This paper describes the architecture of a working prototype that is capable of determining automatically the subjects of text documents and queries. Based on the judgement, queries are matched with document collections that have a high probability of providing useful data. As the experimental results indicate, the AIM subject prototype could narrow search space to 2% of its original size and still obtain roughly half of the relevant documents.

By: Thomas Kirsche and Rob Barrett

Published in: RJ10063 in 1996


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