Visual Analysis for a Sense-and-Respond Enterprise

A Sense-and-Respond enterprise is one that is constantly evolving to keep up with the rapidly a changing business environment. While these enterprises are "data rich," they are often at the same time "information poor." There is a critical need to:
• Display large amounts of data – to see the both the "needle" and the "hay."
• Make complex patterns stand out – to focus on relationships that are relevant.
• Interact with the data – to isolate any interesting subset as the analysis proceeds.
• Correlate across many variables – to identify complex interrelationships.
• Be easy to understand – to make learning quick, to make the information usable by a wide audience andto facilitate communication among decision-makers.
Monitoring the vast amounts of data is more than just providing real time alerts. It about saying “There is something going on here and here is all the information that will help you find the needle in the haystack and make a well informed timely decision”. In this paper we introduce data visualization techniques that are well-suited to finding the needle in the haystack because it can easily present large volumes of data, provide interactivity to explore the data, make visual patterns easy to see and make multivariate analysis simple and easy to comprehend.

By: Shubir Kapoor, Donna Gresh, Josef Schiefer, Pawan Chowdhary, Steve Buckley

Published in: RC23010 in 2003


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