Visualizing the Patent Document Collection as a Graph of Inventors and their Inventions

Large document collections pose serious cognitive challenges for users attempting to find documents related to their interests and discover global relationships and groupings. We describe here the Raisin system that provides a better way to view, group, and analyze the results of searching a document collection, with a particular focus on patents. In particular, Raisin provides facilities to: (A) Select a sample of the document base including keyword search and crawling; (B) Create and dynamically lay out two mode graphs showing authors and their documents; (C) Generate short descriptive labels for the documents; (D) Collect and display focused indices; and (E) Simplify graphs by aggregating vertices (or folding them). These techniques support the navigation of document collections by visualizing and analyzing the implicit social networks found in authors and their documents.

By: Douglas N. Gordin, Robert G. Farrell

Published in: RC22174 in 2001


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