Mobile User Devices and Security Modules: Design for Trustworthiness

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While new technology has simplified many business and personal transactions, it has also opened the door to high-tech crime. In this article, we investigate design options for mobile user devices that are used in legally significant applications. Such applications authorize transactions: mobile phone calls, access to an office or car, electronic payment in stores, retrieval of stored medical data, and access to information on portable computers. Digital signatiures--the electronic equivalent of handwritten signatures--are at the core of most of these applications and are explained briefly in the "Digital Signatures" sidebar. A trustworthy mobile user device should suit its purpose well and have credible quality.

By: Andreas Pfitzmann (Univ. Dresden, Germany), Birgit Pfitzmann (Univ. Hildesheim, Germany), Matthias Schunter (Univ. Hildesheim, Germany) and Michael Waidner

Published in: Computer, volume , (no ), pages 1-8 in 1997

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