Availability of high-performance IO devices has led to the development of various IO interfaces/APIs. For many distributed data processing and storage systems that consider integrating high-performance networks (e.g.,RDMA) and storage devices (e.g., flash), the performance implications of the available options are not clear upfront. To provide guidance to application developers as well as system designers, we discuss if (or what) combinations of modern networking and storage stacks can deliver the full performance of flash storage to a networked application? We report our findings with regard to access latencies, peak performance, IO efficiency, core scaling, and we perform a comparison between a block and an RDMA interface to a flash device.
Keywords: Stüdi, Groß
By: Animesh Trivedi, Bernard Metzler, Jonas Pfefferle, Patrick Stuedi, Nikolas Ioannou, Ioannis Koltsidas, Thomas R. Gross
Published in: RZ3906 in 2016
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