Effective Typestate Verification in the Presence of Aliasing

This paper addresses the challenge of sound typestate verification, with acceptable precision, for Real-world Java programs.

We present a novel framework for verification of typestate properties, including several new techniques to precisely treat aliases without undue performance costs. In particular, we present a flow-sensitive, context-sensitive, integrated verifier that utilizes a parametric abstract domain combining typestate and aliasing information. To scale to real programs without compromising precision, we present a staged verification system in which faster verifiers run as early stages which reduce the workload for later, more precise, stages.

We have evaluated our framework on a number of real Java programs, checking correct API usage for various Java standard libraries. The results show that our approach scales to hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and verifies correctness for over 95% of the potential points of failure.

By: Stephen Fink; Eran Yahav; Nurit Dor; G. Ramalingam; Emmanuel Geay

Published in: RC23825 in 2005


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