Distributed, adaptive, hard real-time applications, such as process control or guidance systems, have requirements that go beyond those of traditional real-time systems: accommodation of a dynamic set of applications, autonomous adaptation as application requirements and system resources change, and security between applications from different organization. Developers need a middleware with features that support developing and running these applications, especially as commercial and defense systems become more “network-centric”. The Virtual Mission Bus (VMB) middleware, targeted at both distributed IT systems and real-time systems, provides the essential basic services to support these applications and the tools for building more complex services, all while while keeping the middleware kernel minimal enough for embedded system use. We successfully used the VMB to prototype a distributed spacecraft cluster system.
By: Theodore M. Wong, Richard A. Golding, Harvey M. Ruback, Wilfred Plouffe, Scott A. Brandt
Published in: RJ10472 in 2010
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