Properties of UWB 2PPM Transceiver System with Noncoherent Receiver

In this work we discuss properties of the noncoherent or energy-collecting ultra-wideband receiver for 2PPM signals. We define a measure for the sensitivity to narrowband interference, and derive this for the noncoherent as well as for the ideal coherent receiver. It turns out that the sensitivity to narrowband interference is by about 15 dB larger for the noncoherent receiver. The square operation in the signal-processing path of the noncoherent receiver creates modulation products with high signal frequency. It is shown that a major portion of the high part of the signal spectrum can be ignored without degradation in performance. It is also shown that the decision variables of the system considered are approximately the same as for a BPSK transmitter sending over a discrete-time memoryless AWGN channel. This representation allows the application of a large class of well-documented error-correcting codes.

By: Martin Weisenhorn, Walter Hirt

Published in: RZ3589 in 2005


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