High-end solid state disks (SSDs) provide much faster access to data compared to conventional hard disk drives. We present a technique for using solid-state storage as a caching layer between RAM and hard disks in database management systems. By caching data that is accessed frequently, disk I/O is reduced. For random I/O, the potential performance gains are particularly significant. Our system continuously monitors the disk access patterns to identify hot regions of the disk. Temperature statistics are maintained at the granularity of an extent, i.e., 32 pages, and are kept current through an aging mechanism. Unlike prior caching methods, once the SSD is populated with pages from warm regions cold pages are not admitted into the cache, leading to low levels of cache pollution. Simulations based on DB2 I/O traces, and a prototype implementation within DB2 both show substantial performance improvements.
By: Mustafa Canim; George A. Mihaila; Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee; Kenneth A. Ross; Christian A. Lang
Published in: RC25021 in 2010
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