Database Support for Web Service Caching

Web Service protocols are a key component in enabling businesses to link applications together within and across enterprise networks. However, the extensibility of the protocols cols and the use of XML as a high-level data format create formidable challenges in terms of application performance. Also, system availability is bound to deteriorate as the use of Web Services over wide area networks expands. As a result of the increasing interdependence of applications, the concept of a "weakest link" becomes that much more apparent.

One approach to mitigating these performance and availability problems is to cache responses from Web Service requests. In this paper we discuss requirements for Web Service caching and outline a plan for adding caching support to a database system. The paper focuses on the semantics of caching{what data can be cached, what can be reused, and how Web Service protocols can be extended to better support caching.

By: Jussi Myllymaki; Berthold Reinwald

Published in: RJ10327 in 2003


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