Geometric Compression Through Topological Surgery

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In this paper we introduce a new compressed representation for polyhedral models and associated compression and decompression algorithms. Such a compressed representation significantly reduces the time required to transmit the model over digital communication channels, and the amount of space required to store the model. In our compression scheme a triangulated polyhedron is represented by two interlocked trees, a spanning trees of vertices, and a spanning tree of triangles. The connectivity information represented in other compact schemes, such as triangular strips or generalized triangular meshes, can be efficiently derived from our representation. The algorithms described in the paper compress connectivity information to an average of roughly two bits per triangle. A variable length lossy compression technique is used for vertex positions, normals, colors, and texture mappings.

By: Gabriel Taubin and Jarek Rossignac

Published in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, volume 17, (no 4), pages 84-115 in 1998

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