SALMON - An Architecture to Define, Store, Monitoring and Billing ISLAs in a Server Farm

Salmon (Service Agreement Levels for Monitoring Océano coNtracts) defines an architecture and prototype implementation of a system to specify and maintain Infrastructure Service Level Agreements (ISLAs). A contract is used to establish an ISLA between a customer and a service provider. Each contract includes multiple sections, such as report definition, violation policy descriptions, penalties for disruption of service and charging. Salmon will evaluate that the service provider has sufficient number of resources to support the defined service level. Salmon will monitor the enforcement of the contract and will trigger the policy engine whenever a violation occurs. Contract violations are expressed as policies, which include a violation scenario, start and stop time, the monitor and an action that must be fired in order to calculate the violation penalty. The possible actions are procedures to correct the problem, and/or apply monetary value to be charged from the service provider violator. A charging engine is responsible for the billing calculations. We address the problem of ISLA definition by using customer feedback and providing a flexible way to define and monitor the quality of service.

By: Juliana Silva da Cunha (Federal Univ. Pernambuco), Karen Appleby-Hougham, German Goldszmidt, Fabio Q. B. da Silva (Federal Univ. Prenambuco)

Published in: RC22015 in 2001


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