In this work, we address the problem of selecting the best
set of available services or web functionalities (single or composite) to
provide a composite service at the minimum cost, while meeting QoS
requirements. Our Recursive composition model captures the fact that
the available service providers may include providers of single as well as
composite services; an important feature that was not captured in earlier
models. We show that Recursive Composition is an intrinsically harder
problem to solve than other studied compositional models. We use insights
about the structure of the Recursive Composition model to design an ef-
ficient algorithm BGF-D with provable guarantees on cost. Our approach
is equally suitable for all platforms that compose existing functionalities
including web services and web mashups. As an embodiment, we design
and implement the ReComp architecture for Recursive Composition of
web-services that implements the BGF-D algorithm. We present compre-
hensive theoretical and experimental evidence to establish the scalability
and superiority of the proposed algorithm over existing approaches.
By: Vimmi Jaiswal and Amit Sharma and Akshat Verma
Published in: RI10006 in 2010
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