Manageability Services for Linux Resources

Grid services are emerging technologies for the next generation web services. In this paper we develop a manageability framework based on Globus toolkit version 3. It consists of a persistent messaging service for notifying users (i.e. system administrators) of critical changes, and a number of Grid-enabled manageability services for some of the most commonly used Linux resources, including disk partitions, Linux OS, Linux processes, system statistics, and system services. Various service operations and service data elements are implemented to enable manageability functions for the resources. System administrators can then subscribe to one or more service data elements using the messaging service. Visualization panels are also developed to access these manageability services through the Globus
service browser. The on-demand feature of Grid services distinguishes manageability services from enumeration based systems in which object instances are often created but never accessed.

By: Ching-Farn E. Wu, Hariharan Balakrishnan, Biju T. Maniampadavathu, William P. Horn

Published in: RC22821 in 2003


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