Using Visualization in the Archaeological Excavations of a pre-Inca Temple in Peru

We are using computer visualization as an essential
tool in the restoration of the disintegrated ceiling
of a ritual precinct that was recently discovered
during archaeological excavations of a group of
temples built by the Moche people who lived in
northern Peru between the first and eighth centuries

This ceiling is unique -- it is the only one found
that has pictures painted on it, rather than being
simply white-washed. The restoration of the ceiling,
and the recovery of these iconographic figures will
provide an unprecedented opportunity to study the
culture of the Moche people who build and used these

We have designed this system to enhance the
traditional way that archaeologists restore paintings.
Our aim is to put a powerful tool in the hands of
restoration experts, rather than to try automate the
restoration process.

The system was completed in late December, 1996. We have
currently matched and reassembled 61 of the pieces
into 16 groupings - this took about 8 hours of work.
As we become more proficient at using the system, we
anticipate that the matching process will speed up

By: Alan D. Kalvin, Alfredo Remy,Orlando Ardito, Kim Morla, Eduardo Nolasco, Jorge Prado, Regulo Franco, Antonio Murga and Guillermo Wiese

Published in: RC20518 in 1996


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