Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Introducing Additional Component Requirements on the Performance of 10 Gb/s LAN Links

In this paper we analyzed the correlation between the ISI penalty and various transmitter and fiber parameters characterizing 10 Gb/s 300m long next generation multimode fiber Ethernet and Fibre Channel links. Using a large statistical sample, the analysis showed that the axial offset has detrimental effects on the performance of the link, unless additional specification parameters on the encircled flux are introduced. The introduction of additional specification parameters related to the laser encircled flux not only reduces the ISI failure rate, but also reduces the overall ISI penalty in these links by as much as 0.7 dB.

By: Aleksandar Risteski, Petar K. Pepeljugoski, Bojanco Mitev, Boris Spasenovski, Tatjana Ulcar-Stavrova, Jeffrey A. Kash

Published in: RC22930 in 2003


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