Flow and congestion control mechanisms in TCP have been designed with the premise that network capacity should be shared equally among competing connections. With the evolution of the Internet from a class-less best-effort network to an integrated services network with different classes of service, the premise of equal fair sharing is no longer true. In an integrated services Internet, network bandwidth should be shared in accordance with the reservation made for each session. In this paper, we consider a specific class of service, namely controlled-load, which is currently under consideration for deployment in the Internet. We propose a simple scheme to realize this service and study its interaction with the control mechanisms used in TCP. In light of this study, we propose a number of enhancements to the control mechanisms used in popular implementations of TCP. Using deatiled simulation experiments, we show that with the proposed enhancements in place, TCP is indeed able to provide the desired end-to-end behavior.
By: Wu-chang Feng, Dilip Kandlur, Debanjan Saha and Kang G. Shin
Published in: RC20617 in 1996
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