Challenges of Business Media

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The full integration of digital media as a commonly available data type for business applications causes a major transition in computing infrastructure and solution architectures. While many corporate uses of digital media can be handled with the current infrastructure, as the amount and file size of the digital media grows, more than simple capacity improvements need to be implemented. The business needs for media are concrete; the problems we need to address are real. Our community needs to find real solutions too, for high-level semantic analysis, provisioning and management of mixed-media information, and distribution and delivery of media data to satisfy requirements dictated by business scenarios. The paper describe a few scenarios that show how corporations are using digital media to enhance their employee and customer communications, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes, and create new business and revenue opportunities.

By: Chitra Dorai; Martin Kienzle

Published in: IEEE Multimedia, volume 11, (no 4), pages 18-21 in 2004


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