Interprocedural Analysis for Automatic Evaluation of Role-Based Access Control Policies

This paper describes an interprocedural-analysis model to represent the °ow of security information in systems that have adopted Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). These systems include Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Microsoft .NET Common Language Run-time (CLR). The model allows:

1. Identifying the roles required to execute an enterprise application
2. Detecting potential inconsistencies caused by principal-delegation policies, which are used to overwrite the roles assigned to a user
3. Reporting if the roles assigned to a user by a given policy are redundant, which would constitute a violation of the Principle of Least Privilege, or insufficient, which would make the application unstable
4. Evaluating logical expressions of roles
5. Distinguishing intercomponent resource accesses (in which authorization is enforced) from intracomponent resource accesses (in which authorization is not enforced)

The algorithms described in this paper have been implemented as part of the Enterprise Security Policy Evaluator (ESPE) tool, built on top of IBM Research's DOMO static analysis engine. This paper presents the results obtained by executing ESPE on several applications.

By: Marco Pistoia; Robert J. Flynn

Published in: Nantes, France in 2006


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