Applying High Order Transformations to Java

        The Java programming language is well suited to the domain of numerically intensive applications: it is easy to use; it supports an object oriented programming style that simplifies the development of
        large numerical programs; it has an extensive set of libraries; it supports interfaces with existing programs written in other languages; its portability makes it ideal for generating codes operating in
        heterogenous environments; and it boasts of a growing supply of programmers. This paper describes a prototype Java compiler that demonstrates that it is possible to produce Java compilers that approach the performance of current state-of-the-art C, C++ and Fortran compilers. In order to approach these performance levels, it is necessary to integrate the Java compiler with a high-quality loop transformations optimizer and a back-end capable of machine specific optimizations. Combining such a compiler with packages containing the features expected by programmers of numerical applications enables Java to become a serious contender for implementing new numerical applications.

By: Pedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, Jose E. Moreira

Published in: RC21609 in 1999


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