An EM Algorithm for History-Based Statistical Parsers

This paper aims to improve statistical parsing by making use of partially-labelled data from a different domain. The labeled part of a parse tree is regarded as “observation” and the unlabelled part as missing information. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is employed to infer missing information. Nested parser states are used to implement the E-step efficiently. We train a series of model on the UPenn Chinese treebank, and use a POS-tagged corpus from Peking University (PKU) as the EM learning data. We observe a parsing error (measured by equal-weighted label F-measure) reduction by as much as about one-third when the seed model is under-trained. The usefulness of PKU data, as expected, decreases as the seed model is trained with more labeled data.

By: Xiaoqiang Luo, Min Tang, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward

Published in: RC23121 in 2004


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