Alternate and Learn: Finding witnesses without looking all over

Most symbolic bug detection techniques perform search over the program
control flow graph based on either forward symbolic execution or backward
weakest preconditions computation. The complexity of determining interprocedural
all-path feasibility makes it difficult for such analysis to judge upfront
whether the behavior of a particular caller or callee procedure is relevant to
a given property violation. Consequently, these methods analyze several program
fragments irrelevant to the property, often repeatedly, before arriving at a goal location
or an entrypoint, thus wasting resources and diminishing their scalability.
This paper presents a systematic and scalable technique for focused bug detection
which, starting from the goal function, employs alternating backward and forward
exploration on the program call graph to lazily infer a small scope of program
fragments, sufficient to detect the bug or show its absence. The method learns
caller and callee invariants for procedures from failed exploration attempts and
uses them to direct future exploration towards a scope pertinent to the violation.

By: Nishant Sinha, Nimit Singhania, Satish Chandra, Manu Sridharan

Published in: RI12003 in 2012


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