Three-dimensional chip stack can be used for stacking mixed devices in addition to stacking the same devices. The supply voltage and ground are supplied to all layers by the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) through silicon vias and bumps (in some cases, through a silicon interposer). When three-dimensional chip stack are used, the power source is usually provided from the lower layer where the PCB is located. Therefore, there is a unique problem that occurs with stacked chips where the chip on the top layer is unstable due to the power supply. Another problem is that when the devices for each layer operate at the same time, the current is concentrated on the power supply wiring, and power source voltage drops that occur during sudden current consumption can greatly affect the circuit operation of each layer. If a circuit with large load fluctuation and a large heat value such as a CPU or MPU is laminated and operates, it is necessary to stabilize the supply voltage for the whole stacked chip.
By: Katsuyuki Sakuma
Published in: RT5315 in 2010
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