Web Services: Promises and Compromises

This article will introduce the foundational concepts of Web services, levels of service
integration, discuss the real promise of intra-enterprise integration through an underlying
component-based development and integration approach on which Web Services can be built,
and then review the technical problems that any implementer or development manager should
realize will be part of Web services for th e foreseeable future. Although much of the craze
surrounding Web services revolves around inter-enterprise distributed computing, much of
the initial power will come from integration within a single enterprise, either with existing
legacy applications or with new business processes that span organizational silos.
Enterprises will need organizational structures that support this new paradigm and its
distribution of control and ownership of information. Finally, technical challenges will be
paramount, as Web services are required to satisfy serious, demanding SLAs. When that is
the environment, developers will need to confront the task of designing, building, configuring,
deploying, and managing software that must meet, and continue to meet, constraints beyond
functional correctness.

By: Ali Arsanjani, Brent Hailpern, Joanne Martin, Peri L. Tarr

Published in: RC22494 in 2002


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