Design and Analysis of a Look-ahead Scheduling Scheme to Support Pause-Resume for Video-on-Demand Applications

Copyright 1995 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. This paper was (will be) published in SPIE Proceedings and is made available as an electronic reprint [preprint] with permission of SPIE. Single print or electronic copies for personal use only are allowed. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations through an electronic listserver or other electronic means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commericial purposes, or modification of the content of the pater are all prohibited. By choosing to view or print this document, you agree to all the provisions of the copyright law protecting it.

No Abstract Available.

By: P. S. Yu, J. L. Wolf and H. Shachnai

Published in: SPIE Proceedings, volume 2417, (no ), pages 78-89 in 1995

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