Classloading and Build Issues for Secure and Reliable Java Systems

Current research on software security has tended to focus on directed techniques such as detecting known flaws, finding coding anomalies that might indicate problems and protecting against known attacks or vulnerabilities. In contrast, process-based approaches such as the Common Criteria have the potential to discover or prevent unknown flaws. Unfortunately, such process-based approaches offer no benefit to pre-existing software, or software developed under a different methodology.

In this paper we investigate the security issues raised by dynamic classloading, as related to large, highassurance Java products. We describe a previously unknown vulnerability in Java which allows remote attacks. We also derive a set of build requirements, based upon the Common Criteria, that can be applied to non-Common Criteria Java products. We conduct an experiment on two large, mature, widely used Java systems, one commercial and one open-source, evaluating them against our requirements. This resulted in the discovery of previously unknown security and reliability issues in both products, related to dynamic classloading.

By: Sam Weber; Paul Karger

Published in: RC24232 in 2007


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