Auto-Vectorization of Interleaved Data for SIMD

Most implementations of the Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) model available today require that data elements be packed in vector registers. Operations on disjoint vector elements are not supported directly, and require explicit data reorganization manipulations. Computations on non-contiguous and especially interleaved data appear in important applications, which can greatly benefit from SIMD instructions once the data is reorganized properly. Vectorizing such computations efficiently is therefore an ambitious challenge for both programmers and vectorizing compilers. In this paper we demonstrate an automatic compilation scheme that supports effective vectorization in the presence of interleaved data with strides that are power of 2, facilitating data reorganization We demonstrate how our vectorization scheme applies to SIMD architectures that are dominant today, and present experimental results on a wide range of key kernels, showing speedups up to 3.7 for interleaving level (stride) as high as 8.

By: Dorit Nuzman; Ira Rosen; Ayal Zaks

Published in: H-0235 in 2005


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