Increasing Technology Adoption in Developing Regions through Trust Routes

A significant percentage of human population in developing regions lies towards the Bottom of the Pyramid. Many of these cannot afford their own IT infrastructure or be able to use it directly due to low literacy levels. This results in lack of use and awareness of technology in various segments leading to several inefficiencies. Increasing technology awareness and adoption is therefore a prime requirement for enabling the benefits of ICT for this population segment.

In this paper, we introduce the notion of Trust Routes that can be used as a catalyst for increasing technology adoption. We discuss the role Trust Routes play and how they can be used to penetrate the mind sets of the target end users with trust and confidence. We report some of our experiences from field work in India.

By: Ketki Dhanesha, Arun Kumar, Darshini Shah and Pallavi Naik

Published in: RI09005 in 2009


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