Event Matching in Symmetric Subscription Systems

Publish/subscribe and database systems researchers have recognized the importance of the event matching algorithm to the performance and scalability of a content-based subscription system. A number of interesting event matching techniques as well as DBMS solutions have been proposed in recent research work in the area. Content-based subscription systems allow information consumers to define filtering criteria when they register their interest in being notified of events that match their requirements. However, information producers are not offered the same flexibility. Moreover, content-based subscription systems require that the value of each attribute in the event schema be known at publication time. Certain types of information producers need to be given the flexibility of selecting what types of information consumers can receive their publications as well as the ability to personalize their publications at individual attribute level.
This paper introduces symmetric subscription systems as the next generation of content-based subscription systems which addresses the above issues, and proposes a novel event matching algorithm in this context.

Keyword: Jaepel

By: W. Rjaibi, K.R. Dittrich, and D. Jäpel

Published in: RZ3427 in 2002


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