This paper presents two methods for analyzing the response time of
method calls of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). The first method breaks
response time measured by a single client into two sets of parameters:
one set relating to the beans themselves, and the other set characterizing
the EJB run time environment including the EJB container, the underlined
persistent store, and the remote method calling overhead. A system of
linear equations can be used to solve for the values of the parameters.
The second method involves measuring the response time of EJB method
calls under different workload intensities and estimating the CPU and disk
demands of a method call. As examples, the response time of method
calls of several primitive EJBs deployed on an EJB server is measured
and analyzed. The two methods are useful in understanding how much
time is spent in the major components of the EJB run time environment
and in estimating the resource demands of EJB method calls for further
developing capacity planning models.

By: Te-Kai Liu and Santhosh Kumaran

Published in: RC22100 in 2001


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