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The management of sensor networks in coalition settings has been treated in a piecemeal fashion in the current literature without taking a comprehensive look at the complete life cycle of coalition networks, and determining the different aspects of network management that need to be taken into account for the management of sensor networks in those contexts. In this paper, we provide a holistic approach towards managing sensor networks encountered in the context of coalition operations. We describe how the sensor networks in a coalition ought to be managed at various stages of the life cycle, and the different operations that need to be taken into account for managing various aspects of the networks. In particular, we look at the FCAPS model for network management, and assess the applicability of the FCAPS model to the different aspects of sensor network management in a coalition setting.
By: Dinesh Verma; Theodore Brown; Carolyn Ortega
Published in: SPIE Proceedings, volume 7694, (no ), pages 769409 ( ) in 2010
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